Pojemność [litr] | 4 |
Rodzaj połączenia | Kanister |
Klasa lepkości wg SAE | 5W-50 |
Specyfikacja wg ACEA | A3/B3 |
Zalecenie producenta oleju | API SJ |
Zalecenie producenta oleju | MB 229.1 |
Zalecenie producenta oleju | VW 502 00/505 00 |
Specially developed high-performance, low-friction engineoil for year-round use. The combination of synthetic baseoils and advanced additive technology as well as thespecial Molygen additive ensures that the engine oil is oflow viscosity and has a high shear stability and reliablyprevents the formation of deposits, significantly reducingfrictional losses in the engine and providing the optimumprotection from wear.